
The Ninth Amendment was very useful to everyone. It stated that people have more rights than just the ones that were written in the Constitution. All lot of people liked this Amendment.

The Ninth Amendment

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Summary of Amendment 9

         This Amendment states that you have more rights than just the one that are in the Constitution and it keeps them too. Certain rights the government can't take away. This amendment helps the citizens keep them even when they aren't listed in the Constitution. This amendment was ratified in 1791. It was also created because people were worried that the rights that were in the Constitution were their only rights. So the authors of the Constitution decided to add the amendment to the Constitution. 

The Importance of Amendment 9

This amendment was important to the people. They thought that it was necessary because they to needed know that they had other rights than just the one that were listed in the Constitution. This new amendment was very important to everyone. This amendment was ratified in 1791.  Many people were very satisfied with it.  But yet there were some that weren't happy with this but they got over it.